Our scenarios for our 2020 Annual Wrap Up are similar to those we presented in our 2019 Annual Wrap Up. The critical choices before us remain the same. We are dividing into multiple worlds—not just those marked by separate languages and cultures, but those separated by radically different visions of what it means to be human.

Are we sovereign individuals with rights that emerge from divine authority, or are we a natural resource to be exploited for pleasure, profit, and entertainment? If Mr. Global formerly offset massive monetary inflation through global labor deflation, will the next round be continuous labor deflation through robotics and the integration of digital technology into humans—including on an involuntary basis?

As we debate our divine rights and human freedoms, we are experiencing an unprecedented effort to assert central control—often by covert and violent means—and to brainwash and mind control the general population into financing and supporting the forces acting against us. And as we finance this “invasion,” secrecy, corruption, and organized crime continue to grow. At the same time, our culture continues to be debased.

For our scenario plans for 2021, I have chosen two variables.

  • The first variable is our humanity: Will we maintain a human civilization or become progressively more inhuman? Will we fall prey to propaganda, disinformation, mind control, and various forms of invisible electronic manipulation? Or can we rise above these techniques to find and maintain our higher mind?
  • The second variable is the monopoly on money and credit creation: Will we allow central bankers to continue to maintain a monopoly on money creation and, by doing so, control us through financial transactions, particularly as they insist on having a mysterious operating system injected into our bodies? Will we continue to pay taxes to governments and central banks without representation? Or will we decentralize the creation of money and credit in a manner that moves us from a financial system that extracts wealth to one that has the potential to optimize wealth?

With these two variables in a matrix, we have created four scenarios for planning purposes:

Scenario #1: The Civilization Cultivation [Human – We Print]

Scenario #2: The Slow Burn Situation [Human – They Print]

Scenario #3: The Medieval Moment [Inhuman – We Print]

Scenario #4: The “They Live” Theater [Inhuman – They Print]

All four scenarios exist in our current world. The question is, which ones will we nurture, support, and finance, and which ones will we cut off, shun, and starve?

Traditionally, my scenarios have focused on the issues that will inform investment strategies for the coming year. For the last few years, however, I have believed it essential that we face up to the fundamental dependency of the G7 nations on the war and mind control machine—and the extent to which that machinery is operating outside of domestic and international law.

Do we want to make money by investing in the destruction of our own health and freedoms or in the mind control and bankruptcy of our children and grandchildren? I don’t. It was one of the rules I was taught early on Wall Street: “Never bet against yourself.”