The curated collection of the Top News Videos for 2020 is here.


Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown
Truth Matters | December 22, 2020
Quantitative Easing Is the Biggest Sham Ever (S3 E2)
BestEvidence | December 16, 2020
Discussing the Great Reset with James Corbett
Computing Forever | June 30, 2020
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Quantitative Easing Is the Biggest Sham Ever (S3 E2)
Quantitative Easing Is the Biggest Sham Ever (S3 E2)
Top News Videos
The Fed’s Silent Takeover of the U.S
BestEvidence | August 12, 2020
What’s Behind the Fed’s Manufactured Coin Shortage?
BestEvidence | August 19, 2020
Is Jerome Powell the Real Keyser Soze?
BestEvidence | May 22, 2020
The Fed's Silent Takeover of the U.S.
The Fed's Silent Takeover of the U.S.
What's Behind the Fed's Manufactured Coin Shortage?
What's Behind the Fed's Manufactured Coin Shortage?
Is Jerome Powell the Real Keyser Soze?
Is Jerome Powell the Real Keyser Soze?
The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime
BestEvidence | March 18, 2016
Why Is the Federal Reserve Lying About Coronavirus?
BestEvidence | March 29, 2020
The Federal Reserve – Kicking People When They’re Down (Mafiacracy Now, Season 2)
BestEvidence | April 10, 202
The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime
The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime
Why Is the Federal Reserve Lying About Coronavirus?
Why Is the Federal Reserve Lying About Coronavirus?
The Federal Reserve - Kicking People When They're Down
The Federal Reserve - Kicking People When They're Down
All the Plenary’s Men
BestEvidence | April 28, 2017
Bad Vibes in the Pan-depression (Mafiacracy Now, Season 2)
BestEvidence | May 1, 2020
Wherefore Art Thou Reserves? S3 E1
Bestevidence Nov 25, 2020
All the Plenary's Men
All the Plenary's Men
Bad Vibes in the Pan-depression
Bad Vibes in the Pan-depression
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Catherine Austin Fitts – We are watching the mother of all debt entrapments
Greg Hunter| June 20, 2020
Jim Cramer: The pandemic led to “one of the greatest wealth transfers in history”
CNBC Television | June 4, 2020
Cross-Border Payments – A Vision for the Future
Truth Matters | December 22, 2020
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Cross-Border Payment—A Vision for the Future
Cross-Border Payment—A Vision for the Future


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Berlin, Fest für Freiheit und Frieden, ungekürzte Rede, 29 08 2020
Frank Vom Hutberg | August 30, 2020
Special Solari Report: Covid-19: Ohio Stands Up – Jon Rappoport Interviews Attorney Tom Renz
Solari Report | September 21, 2020
Background on the U.S. Election 2020 – Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts
KLA.TV | November 2020
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
LA California restaurant owner breaks down over ridiculous COVID-19 hypocrisy
Michael Jacques | December 5, 2020
Viral restaurant owner returns to “Tucker” after having business shut down
Fox News | November 24, 2020
Watch CNBC’s Sorkin and Santelli’s heated debate on restaurant restrictions
CNBC Television | December 4, 2020
LA California Restaurant Owner BREAKS DOWN Over Ridiculous COVID 19 Hypocrisy
LA California Restaurant Owner BREAKS DOWN Over Ridiculous COVID 19 Hypocrisy
Viral restaurant owner returns to 'Tucker' after having business shutdown
Viral restaurant owner returns to 'Tucker' after having business shutdown
Watch CNBC's Sorkin and Santelli's heated debate on restaurant restrictions
Watch CNBC's Sorkin and Santelli's heated debate on restaurant restrictions
Texas salon owner says “business is booming” after jail sentence
Fox News | May 12, 2020
Tucker Carlson: Political violence is an attack on America itself – “People who run this country are no longer shocked by political violence – They welcome it”
Fox News | August 14, 2020
Tucker: Our leaders dither as our cities burn (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
Fox News | June 1, 2020
Texas salon owner says 'business is booming' after jail sentence
Texas salon owner says 'business is booming' after jail sentence
Tucker: Political violence is an attack on America itself
Tucker: Political violence is an attack on America itself
Tucker: Our leaders dither as our cities burn (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
Tucker: Our leaders dither as our cities burn (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
America is an oligarchy… Larry Wilkerson nails it
Sully Teller | February 5, 2020
What did he say!! (“We’re in a live exercise here”)
Agwn | March 21, 2020
Economic collapse – Leading to ethnic wars in America?
Seeking Just the Facts | September 3, 2019
America Is an Oligarchy Trying to Screw You Out of Every Penny You Have! - Larry Wilkerson Nails It
America Is an Oligarchy Trying to Screw You Out of Every Penny You Have! - Larry Wilkerson Nails It
Top News Videos
Economic Collapse- Leading to Ethnic Wars in America?
Economic Collapse- Leading to Ethnic Wars in America?
Introducing the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican
Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism |
December 7, 2020
Italian Parliament member calls for Bill Gates arrest during Covid-19 debate
Stone Turner | May 16, 2020
Tear gas, scuffles, burning barricades in France as protesters decry new security bill
RT | November 28, 2020
Introducing the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican
Introducing the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican
Top News Videos
Top News Videos


The Great Reset: Father Josiah Trenham
PatristicNectarFilms | November 13, 2020
Swiss Artists Against Covid Restrictions
Ooana | December 28, 2020
Rev. Danny Jones: The micro-chipped New World Order
Citizen Media News | April 30, 2020
The Great Reset
The Great Reset
Swiss Artists Against Covid Resrictions
Swiss Artists Against Covid Resrictions
The Micro-chipped New World Order Danny Jones Northlake Baptist Church
The Micro-chipped New World Order Danny Jones Northlake Baptist Church


SpaceX Works with Microsoft to Build Satellite Network | China Unveils Ambitious Moon Mission Plan
Engineering Today | October 23, 2020
The New Space Race of the 2020’s (Documentary)
Cold Fusion| 21 January 2020
SpaceX Works with Microsoft to Build Satellite Network | China Unveils Ambitious Moon Mission Plan
SpaceX Works with Microsoft to Build Satellite Network | China Unveils Ambitious Moon Mission Plan
The New Space Race of the 2020's (Documentary)
The New Space Race of the 2020's (Documentary)


Former president of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg: 5G wireless is not safe
neverlosetruth | September 19, 2019
Coronavirus and Climate Change – #PropagandaWatch
Corbettreport | March 17, 2020
UN announces biometric digital ID wallet
Spiro Skouras | November 17, 2020
Former President Of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg: 5G Wireless IS NOT SAFE
Former President Of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg: 5G Wireless IS NOT SAFE
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
HDIAC podcast: "Weaponizing Brain Science: Neuroweapons" – Part 1 of 2
HDIAC | June 19, 2020
Dr. Charles Morgan on psycho-neurobiology and war
Modern War Institute | June 14, 2018
Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval | #2 of Top 10 2019
Big Think | December 31, 2019
HDIAC Podcast - Weaponizing Brain Science: Neuroweapons - Part 1 of 2
HDIAC Podcast - Weaponizing Brain Science: Neuroweapons - Part 1 of 2
Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War
Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War
Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval | #2 of Top 10 2019 | Big Think
Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval | #2 of Top 10 2019 | Big Think
Dr. James Giordano, darpa advisor, supercomputers used for mind control of targeted individuals
Nicholas Hamblin | September 24, 2019
Dr. James Giordano: "Weaponizing Brain Science: Neuroweapons, Neuroethics" – Part 2 of 2
Targeted Individual in NZ (Autumn) | June 25, 2020
Special Solari Report: Future Science – The Wave Genome: Quantum Holography of DNA with Ulrike Granögger
Solari Report | August 2018
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos


Swiss cardiologist was arrested for disagreeing with Covid-19 lockdown & exposing flawed PCR test!
Richie Allen | November 4, 2020
Polly Tommey: Look what’s in your COVID-19 vaccine
BNN | December 10, 2020
Dr. Thomas Cowan: Covid19 fails koch’s postulates
Rick Friedrich | March 31, 2020
Swiss Cardiologist Was ARRESTED For Disagreeing With Covid-19 Lockdown & Exposing Flawed PCR Test!
Swiss Cardiologist Was ARRESTED For Disagreeing With Covid-19 Lockdown & Exposing Flawed PCR Test!
Top News Videos
Dr. Thomas Cowan Covid19 fails koch's postulates
Dr. Thomas Cowan Covid19 fails koch's postulates
Truth with RFK, Episode 1
Tommey Burrowes Productions & Children’s Health Defense | May 22, 2020
Truth with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 2
VAXXED TV – Children’s Health Defense | June 1, 2020
Truth with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 3
VAXXED TV – Children’s Health Defense | June 5, 2020
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Truth with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 4
VAXXED TV – Children’s Health Defense | June 12, 2020
Truth with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 5
VAXXED TV – Children’s Health Defense | June 19, 2020
Season 2, Episode 11 of TRUTH with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., featuring Catherine Austin Fitts
CHD | November 25, 2020
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Father: My 14-year-old daughter was destroyed by court-ordered trans hormones
Jeremiah Keenan | February 20, 2020
How Bill Gates Monopolized World Health
corbettreport | May 1, 2020
Rockefeller’s “reset the table”: Food tyranny & transform food supply
Ice Age Farmer | August 2, 2020
Father: my 14-year-old daughter was destroyed by court-ordered trans hormones
Father: my 14-year-old daughter was destroyed by court-ordered trans hormones
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World
corbettreport | May 8, 2020
Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid
corbettreport | May 17, 2020
Meet Bill Gates
corbettreport | May 24, 2020
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Perspectives on the Pandemic, Episode Nine | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse
Journeyman Pictures | June 9, 2020
Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends, Ep8: Catherine Austin Fitts
Dr. Tom Cowan | October 30, 2020
Dr. Ivette Lozano MD interview with Laura Ingraham
Sal From Texas | May 15, 2020
Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine
Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi from Germany got it to the point @Laura Ingraham (Fox News) on 2.12.2020
Blue 1986 | December 3, 2020
The irrefutable argument against vaccine safety with author Del Bigtree
Liora P | March 10, 2019
Another scientist speaking up re deadly cov vax. Generational infertility caused by chemicals used
Liora P | October 20, 2020
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
The Magic Virus – Jon Rappoport
Solari Report | September 9, 2020
Kristen Meghan & Tammy Clark of Stand Up Michigan: Mask whistleblowers tell all
The Highwire | July 2020
Do not get tested worse than you can possibly imagine Ms Celeste Solum validated again | July 20, 2020
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
The Charlie Kirk Show: Nine doctors speak out
DrsViewsOnVaccines | July 29, 2020
W.H.O. scientists question safety of vaccines
WHO headquarters (Geneva, Switzerland) | December 2-3, 2019
Who will fact check the fact checkers?
corbettreport | June 19, 2020
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Caught on camera W.H.O. scientists question safety of vaccines
Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News | January 16, 2020
W.H.O. official: “May have to enter homes and remove family members!”
Mrgunsngear B Channel | April 7, 2020
A women gets her contact tracer certificates and tells all
Vladislav Sobolev | May 27, 2020
Top News Videos
W.H.O. Official: "May have to enter homes and remove family members!"
W.H.O. Official: "May have to enter homes and remove family members!"
A Women Gets Her Contact Tracer Certificates and Tells All
A Women Gets Her Contact Tracer Certificates and Tells All