The curated collection of the Top News Videos for 2020 is here.


Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown
Truth Matters | December 22, 2020
Quantitative Easing Is the Biggest Sham Ever (S3 E2)
BestEvidence | December 16, 2020
Discussing the Great Reset with James Corbett
Computing Forever | June 30, 2020
The Fed’s Silent Takeover of the U.S
BestEvidence | August 12, 2020
What’s Behind the Fed’s Manufactured Coin Shortage?
BestEvidence | August 19, 2020
Is Jerome Powell the Real Keyser Soze?
BestEvidence | May 22, 2020
The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime
BestEvidence | March 18, 2016
Why Is the Federal Reserve Lying About Coronavirus?
BestEvidence | March 29, 2020
The Federal Reserve – Kicking People When They’re Down (Mafiacracy Now, Season 2)
BestEvidence | April 10, 202
All the Plenary’s Men
BestEvidence | April 28, 2017
Bad Vibes in the Pan-depression (Mafiacracy Now, Season 2)
BestEvidence | May 1, 2020
Wherefore Art Thou Reserves? S3 E1
Bestevidence Nov 25, 2020
Catherine Austin Fitts – We are watching the mother of all debt entrapments
Greg Hunter| June 20, 2020
Jim Cramer: The pandemic led to “one of the greatest wealth transfers in history”
CNBC Television | June 4, 2020
Cross-Border Payments – A Vision for the Future
Truth Matters | December 22, 2020


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Berlin, Fest für Freiheit und Frieden, ungekürzte Rede, 29 08 2020
Frank Vom Hutberg | August 30, 2020
Special Solari Report: Covid-19: Ohio Stands Up – Jon Rappoport Interviews Attorney Tom Renz
Solari Report | September 21, 2020
Background on the U.S. Election 2020 – Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts
KLA.TV | November 2020
LA California restaurant owner breaks down over ridiculous COVID-19 hypocrisy
Michael Jacques | December 5, 2020
Viral restaurant owner returns to “Tucker” after having business shut down
Fox News | November 24, 2020
Watch CNBC’s Sorkin and Santelli’s heated debate on restaurant restrictions
CNBC Television | December 4, 2020
Texas salon owner says “business is booming” after jail sentence
Fox News | May 12, 2020
Tucker Carlson: Political violence is an attack on America itself – “People who run this country are no longer shocked by political violence – They welcome it”
Fox News | August 14, 2020
Tucker: Our leaders dither as our cities burn (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
Fox News | June 1, 2020
America is an oligarchy… Larry Wilkerson nails it
Sully Teller | February 5, 2020
What did he say!! (“We’re in a live exercise here”)
Agwn | March 21, 2020
Economic collapse – Leading to ethnic wars in America?
Seeking Just the Facts | September 3, 2019
Introducing the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican
Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism |
December 7, 2020
Italian Parliament member calls for Bill Gates arrest during Covid-19 debate
Stone Turner | May 16, 2020
Tear gas, scuffles, burning barricades in France as protesters decry new security bill
RT | November 28, 2020


The Great Reset: Father Josiah Trenham
PatristicNectarFilms | November 13, 2020
Swiss Artists Against Covid Restrictions
Ooana | December 28, 2020
Rev. Danny Jones: The micro-chipped New World Order
Citizen Media News | April 30, 2020


SpaceX Works with Microsoft to Build Satellite Network | China Unveils Ambitious Moon Mission Plan
Engineering Today | October 23, 2020
The New Space Race of the 2020’s (Documentary)
Cold Fusion| 21 January 2020


Former president of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg: 5G wireless is not safe
neverlosetruth | September 19, 2019
Coronavirus and Climate Change – #PropagandaWatch
Corbettreport | March 17, 2020
UN announces biometric digital ID wallet
Spiro Skouras | November 17, 2020
HDIAC podcast: "Weaponizing Brain Science: Neuroweapons" – Part 1 of 2
HDIAC | June 19, 2020
Dr. Charles Morgan on psycho-neurobiology and war
Modern War Institute | June 14, 2018
Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval | #2 of Top 10 2019
Big Think | December 31, 2019
Dr. James Giordano, darpa advisor, supercomputers used for mind control of targeted individuals
Nicholas Hamblin | September 24, 2019
Dr. James Giordano: "Weaponizing Brain Science: Neuroweapons, Neuroethics" – Part 2 of 2
Targeted Individual in NZ (Autumn) | June 25, 2020
Special Solari Report: Future Science – The Wave Genome: Quantum Holography of DNA with Ulrike Granögger
Solari Report | August 2018


Swiss cardiologist was arrested for disagreeing with Covid-19 lockdown & exposing flawed PCR test!
Richie Allen | November 4, 2020
Polly Tommey: Look what’s in your COVID-19 vaccine
BNN | December 10, 2020
Dr. Thomas Cowan: Covid19 fails koch’s postulates
Rick Friedrich | March 31, 2020
Truth with RFK, Episode 1
Tommey Burrowes Productions & Children’s Health Defense | May 22, 2020
Truth with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 2
VAXXED TV – Children’s Health Defense | June 1, 2020
Truth with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 3
VAXXED TV – Children’s Health Defense | June 5, 2020
Truth with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 4
VAXXED TV – Children’s Health Defense | June 12, 2020
Truth with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 5
VAXXED TV – Children’s Health Defense | June 19, 2020
Season 2, Episode 11 of TRUTH with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., featuring Catherine Austin Fitts
CHD | November 25, 2020
Father: My 14-year-old daughter was destroyed by court-ordered trans hormones
Jeremiah Keenan | February 20, 2020
How Bill Gates Monopolized World Health
corbettreport | May 1, 2020
Rockefeller’s “reset the table”: Food tyranny & transform food supply
Ice Age Farmer | August 2, 2020
Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World
corbettreport | May 8, 2020
Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid
corbettreport | May 17, 2020
Meet Bill Gates
corbettreport | May 24, 2020
Perspectives on the Pandemic, Episode Nine | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse
Journeyman Pictures | June 9, 2020
Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends, Ep8: Catherine Austin Fitts
Dr. Tom Cowan | October 30, 2020
Dr. Ivette Lozano MD interview with Laura Ingraham
Sal From Texas | May 15, 2020
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi from Germany got it to the point @Laura Ingraham (Fox News) on 2.12.2020
Blue 1986 | December 3, 2020
The irrefutable argument against vaccine safety with author Del Bigtree
Liora P | March 10, 2019
Another scientist speaking up re deadly cov vax. Generational infertility caused by chemicals used
Liora P | October 20, 2020
The Magic Virus – Jon Rappoport
Solari Report | September 9, 2020
Kristen Meghan & Tammy Clark of Stand Up Michigan: Mask whistleblowers tell all
The Highwire | July 2020
Do not get tested worse than you can possibly imagine Ms Celeste Solum validated again | July 20, 2020
The Charlie Kirk Show: Nine doctors speak out
DrsViewsOnVaccines | July 29, 2020
W.H.O. scientists question safety of vaccines
WHO headquarters (Geneva, Switzerland) | December 2-3, 2019
Who will fact check the fact checkers?
corbettreport | June 19, 2020
Caught on camera W.H.O. scientists question safety of vaccines
Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News | January 16, 2020
W.H.O. official: “May have to enter homes and remove family members!”
Mrgunsngear B Channel | April 7, 2020
A women gets her contact tracer certificates and tells all
Vladislav Sobolev | May 27, 2020